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Blue Lotus Leaves

Each pack contains 10 grams of blue lotus flowers. This is approximately 5-10 full flowers in each pack.


Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) is revered for its immense benefits on physical and mental health. 


It's a powerhouse of antioxidants and other nutrients that have been beneficial for humanity for centuries.


The Ancient Egyptians used to consume Blue Lotus by smoking the dried flowers in pipes as depicted in hieroglyphs, as well as brewing the flowers as tea, along with using them for steaming, smudging, making perfumes, medicines and other ailments. 


Benefits of Blue Lotus:

  • Relieves Menstruation cramps and PMS
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Relieves Stress
  • Natural Analgesic


**This plant should not be consumed if the person takes anti-diabetes medication such as insulin or else the blood sugar levels may go down to a dangerous level.


It should not be taken during pregnancy or if you have certain allergies. If you are on other medications, then it should be consumed only after a consultation with your medical professional.


Instructions For Tea:

Brew 1-3 flowers in a pot of water until boiling and simmer for 3 mins on low heat once reaching boiling point. 


Or simply add boiling hot water to teapot/large cup and steep Blue Lotus flowers inside. Drink the full cup and top up again with boiling water 2-3 times.


One flower typically makes 2- 3 cups of tea. 


Instructions For Smoke:

Crush up 3 soft petals and add to Labradorite Magic Pipe or sprinkle over rolling papers. Works great on its own or mixed with other herbs.


Instructions For Steaming:

Add whole flowers into the bathtub during your goddess bath. Use flowers to exfoliate the body. 


Best before 2 years. Store in a dry, dark cupboard away from direct sunlight.

Blue Lotus Leaves

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